Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Minecraft Creations Pack 1

And now, without further ado, here are 6 really cool creations that were made in Minecraft!

The Survival Games

In March of this year, the highly anticipated movie The Hunger Games made millions of dollars at the box office. Though author Suzanne Collins already had a rather avid following of devoted readers, the movie’s high quality would inspire a number of new fans – some in the Minecraft world.

Minecraft DOTA

DOTA, which stands for Defense of the Ancients, is a multiplayer arena game where 10 players (2 teams of 5 players) fight to destroy the other team’s base. Of course, there are a lot of intricate design details that go deeper than that simplification, but we’re not here to talk about DOTA. We’re here to talk about Minecraft DOTA.
The Minecraft version doesn’t play out exactly like the original, but the inspiration is definitely there. Towers across the map are rigged with spawners that spawn Zombie monsters, and destroying a tower will destroy the spawner associated with it. There are shops, too, as well as hidden secrets, buffs for players, and a banking system to store your items.
Minecraft DOTA does not require any mods at all. It’s powered entirely by redstone, the in-game equivalent to electricity. The sheer amount of energy and effort that went into building this game is astonishing, and the creators most definitely deserve recognition for their work.

Game of Thrones – King’s Landing

minecraft crafting
Have you ever read or watched Game of Thrones? If you have, then you know about the city of King’s Landing and its pivotal place in the grand scheme of the plot. However, if you’re like me, then you really haven’t thought too much about the sheer size of the city.
And then comes pizzainacup, a Redditor who plays Minecraft, who recreated the grand city in Minecraft. That’s right. All those brown little squares are individual houses that comprise the city of King’s Landing. Amazing, to say the least.

Game of Thrones – The Wall

minecraft create
Here’s another one of pizzainacup’s Game of Thrones-related Minecraft creations. This time we have the Wall, a massive cliff of ice and snow that stretches across an entire continent from sea to sea. What lies beyond the wall? I don’t really know, but that Wall is beautiful enough to keep me from ever finding out.
Looking at the sheer detail in this picture, I’m left speechless and wondering how much time was needed to make this. It blows my mind – not only that he managed to complete it, but how similar it is to the real thing.

Middle Earth

minecraft create
Now this is a massive multi-man project and I can only applaud everyone involved for taking part. What is it? It’s Minecraft Middle Earth, or MCME. In other words, an effort to recreate the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth (of Lord of the Rings fame) in one Minecraft world.
If you want to take part on this project, you can apply on their website. There are a number of roles necessary for the success of MCME, including Architects (those who build), Foremen (those who oversee smaller tasks), Officers (those who police the world to make sure nobody causes mischief), and Guides (those who lead new players around on tours).

Microsoft’s Clippy

minecraft crafting
Last but not least, a simple Minecraft creation that simultaneously tugs on your nostalgia heartstrings and evokes a raging fury from within your bones. A Redditor named Matsh has recreated Clippy from Microsoft Office – an act that is both detestable and wildly humorous. Well done.

Loot Seeds

Desert Temple with Five Diamonds

I found this minecraft seed while testing out the new 13w16a snapshot for 1.6. It does still work for previous versions though. The seed features a desert temple, extremely close to where you spawn. The chest inside the temple contains five diamonds, seven gold ingots and four iron ingots, more than enough to get you off to a good start!

Seed: 978025106057376848

  • deserttemplewithfivediamonds
Posted in: LootTemples | Comments { 0 }

The Diamond Temples

This minecraft seed was found by, hurray! So it is a little bit exclusive, for now. I personally love this seed (maybe I’m a bit bias), and was quite amazed when I first found it.
So, what are the features of this seed? When you first spawn in the world, you will be very close to a really cool mountain in the jungle, which I think would make an awesome base for anyone. But scenic views aren’t for everyone, so for those of you who like epic loot, then this seed is perfect for you too! There are three desert temples, and one jungle temple close to the spawn.
The closest desert temple has four diamonds, and fifteen gold ingots inside the temple chest. The second desert temple has two diamonds and seven gold ingots. The third desert temple has five gold ingots, two iron ingots and an enchantment book. And lastly, the jungle temple contains a chest with three more diamonds, making a total of nine diamonds available to any daring adventurers willing to find them!
Desert temple #1: x: -373 z: 378
Desert temple #2: x: -694 z: -133
Desert temple #3: x: -485 z: 602
Jungle temple: x: -730 z: 614

Seed: -2720452978534480844

Posted in: EnvironmentLootTemples | Comments { 4 }

Diamond Jungle Temple

In this minecraft seed, you will spawn in a snowy Taiga biome. If you head west towards the jungle, you will find a temple to explore. If you manage to survive the hidden booby traps within the temple, then you will be rewarded with a chest at the end, containing two diamonds, and eleven gold ingots.
Jungle temple coordinates: x: 362 z: 306

Seed: 625265629

  • diamondjungletemple
  • diamondjungletemple2

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Seed Pack 1

Diamond Village

Floating Stronghold Portal Room

This is probably one of the strangest, yet coolest seed found so far in minecraft. It features a stronghold floating in the ocean, and inside the stronghold is a portal room with a mob spawner.
Not only that, but the seed also has an NPC village on an island right next to the stronghold. This is a very rare seed, and it also works for multiple versions of minecraft.
Stonghold coordinates: x: -534 y: 57 z: -833
This seed works for minecraft version: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Seed: Dossier

This seed has a village nearby, and one of the village buildings has a chest, which contains two diamonds. It was found by RazorWing789. To get there, follow the grassy area at the spawn point, the village is by the ocean.
Exact coordinates of the chest/village:
X: 107 Z: 36
This seed works for minecraft version: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Seed: -1282270795